








Yesterday was the anniversary of my brother's death.
It was five years ago. It was discovered on Friday night when I was entertained in Fukuoka, where I was assigned to work alone, and said that it was gone on Monday morning. It feels like it's already five, and it still feels like it's five. I think I had a lot of things left to do now. I'm thinking of surviving that much. I came up with it five years ago and wrote a sentence. That is the text linked below. At that time, it became 1 for a while on this site called Stories. I'm thinking about various things while reading the morning sentences for the first time in a while. Well, for some reason I remember my brother's appearance when he was a baby or when he was small. He was a man who was over 180 tall when he was an adult, but he was an avid man. At the funeral of my younger brother, many men and women said that he used to work for his younger brother, but I thought that no one would come when I died. I want to survive firmly and do what I should do. After a while, I used to go to karaoke with a customer, who loved Shogo Hamada's songs and often sang at karaoke. My younger brother was anxious around Hamanogami, so I was often screamed at my parents' house and remembered it. While thinking about that, I once felt that there were various connections. I will do my best until I die.
Kolchi Amano


★人はどこからでもいつからでもヒーローになれる。ヒーローになれるのは若いヤツだけの特権ではない。私は人生を賭けてそれを証明する。と言って50歳を超えて起業した無茶なオヤジ。でも、、あなたのお役に立てます。★大企業研修、企業・業界セミナー、個人顧問コンサル。東京都人気講師、てへ。☆『営業振り子理論』提唱者 ☆あなたの会社の顧問&あなたの個人特別顧問。